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  • 5 pokojů
  • 2 dvoulůžkové pokoje
  • 3 třílůžkové pokoje
  • kapacita 13 míst + 2x přistýlka
  • v každém pokoji sociální zařízení (WC a sprchový kout)

  • pokoje nejsou vybaveny televizí




Cena za jednu osobu na jednu noc na všech druzích pokojů činí 450,- Kč, v ceně není zahrnuta snídaně;

Cena za jednu osobu na tři až šest nocí činí 420,- Kč;

Cena za jednu osobu od 7 nocí činí 400,- Kč;

Přistýlka: 350 Kč osoba/noc;

Děti do dvou let zdarma bez nároku na lůžko.

Při dlouhodobém pobytu možnost dalších slev dle dohody.

Storno - poplatky:
Při zrušení objednaného pobytu ze strany klienta se účtuje storno poplatek:
30-15 dní před nástupem             30 % z celkové ceny
14-8    dní před nástupem             50 % z celkové ceny
7 dní a méně                                     100 % z celkové ceny
Pokud by byl  pokoj obsazen novými hosty, nebude storno-poplatek účtován.
V případě nezaplacení zálohy, ze které by bylo možno storno poplatky odečíst, má ubytovatel právo zaslat objednavateli fakturu ve výši storno poplatků.
Ubytování se platí předem  nejpozději však v den příjezdu.
V den příjezdu je platba možná pouze v hotovosti.

 V den odjezdu je potřeba uvolnit pokoj nejpozději do 10.00. hod.


WIFI připojení k internetu v celém objektu zdarma.





Vašim dětem nabízíme:


  • dětské hřiště v obci (houpačky, kolotoč, skluzavka) viz galerie
  • pískoviště, houpačku a malou skluzavku u penzionu
  • další vyžití v okolí (např. AQUAPARK ve Kdyni)



Objednávky ubytování:

 e-mailem: penzion.loucim@seznam.cz

Telefonicky po 14.30: 728 940 423


Ubytování v našem penzionu využívají také návštěvníci:



Mogul Rallye Šumava Klatovy (duben)



Mezinárodního folklórního festivalu a klatovské pouti (červenec)


Folklorního festivalu Chodské slavnosti - Vavřinecká pouť Domažlice (srpen)





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(JacobRem, 11. 11. 2024 18:10)

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Exposing an Secret to Premium Bag Replicas for the Trend Aficionados

(Frankzew, 11. 11. 2024 5:40)

The luxury couture domain is linked with rarity, sophistication, plus an dash of mystery. Atop this pinnacle within that opulent realm stands such a Hermès luxury handbag accessory, a accessory that is grown into iconic with prestige and sophistication. Though, for the that bulk from us, possessing an authentic Birkin persists that remote dream due to their substantial price and rare supply. But concern not, fashion enthusiasts also luxury devotees—high-quality Birkin imitations exist here to provide a taste of such luxury minus breaking your bank.
A rise in high-quality replicas has altered this landscape of luxury accessories, attracting to that market eager in experience luxury at more accessible range. Those dupes are carefully crafted in order to mirror those Birkin's elegant design, and remain frequently crafted with elements that guarantee strength as well as style. By selecting this Birkin dupe, fashion enthusiasts will be able to indulge within these love to opulence and still being fiscally savvy.
Within this range of high-quality imitations, buyers will find a element which transcends beyond mere visual replication. Attention in detail delivers the each and every copy embodies the spirit that resides in luxury. Going from the finest stitches to hardware and finishing touches, those pieces have been crafted adorning precision that includes a concentration by providing bringing authentic luxury experience for those who adore the Hermès famous visual style without immediately feeling financial systemic pressure.
For most enthusiasts, those special replica dupes are an essential alternative, granting buyers the ability to relish a signature style lovingly associated alongside Hermès, and leaving aside spending a substantial sum. Given that fashion styles continue in a direction to advance, this occurs with the niche in excellent replicas, perpetually surpassing anticipations in both design and lifespan. Ultimately, all fashion enthusiast will discover that these meticulously constructed pieces deliver beyond elegance but also a attachment inside luxury.
Because clothing keeps on with transform, excellent replicas are trendy choices to suit the cost-effective option with enjoy coveted styles without compromising on the craftsmanship. This ability arms consumers with the ability to keep trendy at level of financial means.

The Timeless Attract of Round Diamond Solitaire Engagement Rings

(Richarduting, 11. 11. 2024 1:33)

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(TravisAposE, 10. 11. 2024 20:05)

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**Unveiling the Secret for High-Quality Birkin Replicas for the Style Lovers

(JamesTouff, 10. 11. 2024 15:57)

This luxury couture world stands associated to uniqueness, sophistication, with an hint of that mystery. Atop this zenith inside these opulent domain sits an Hermès Birkin bag piece, a accessory that has grown into emblematic with status as well as sophistication. Though, to many of the multitude from us, owning a authentic Birkin endures a distant ambition owing to its significant price tag coupled with rare availability. But worry never, fashion enthusiasts alongside luxury connoisseurs—superior Birkin imitations present themselves available and to provide an flavor of this luxury without disturbing the bank.
The rise of high-quality imitations has altered this landscape among fashion accessories, attracting to those that segment hungry to enjoy glamour within more affordable range. Those dupes are not only masterfully produced so as to emulate the Birkin's sophisticated appearance, but are frequently made with elements who guarantee strength and fashion. With selecting this Birkin dupe, fashion enthusiasts will be able to dive inside the passion with sophistication while being monetarily prudent.
Throughout this variety among high-quality Birkin dupes, consumers can uncover a aspect that stands as extends further visual replication. Attention on the small nuances delivers the every dupe captures the soul in luxury. Starting the stitching pattern all the way to the metallic components also with finishes, such pieces are constructed with great attention to precision that includes a focus by providing bringing authentic opulent adventure involving individuals that desire adore those Hermès famous aesthetic without financially-induced systemic pressure.
For a lot of luxury aficionados, those special luxurious reproductions swiftly turn into a option, granting buyers to enjoy an iconic appearance lovingly identified with Hermès, without the need to part with a amount. As fashion movements proceed in a direction to change, this occurs with the market for superior replicas, constantly surpassing predictions in both aesthetic and durability. At the end of the day, each fashion enthusiast can discover that such masterfully constructed pieces offer not just elegance but also a connection to luxury.
Because fashion continues in change, superior dupes become popular options in providing the cost-effective option for wear coveted fashion pieces without giving up on quality. That option enables consumers to be able to keep stylish within level of financial budget.

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(Michaelbub, 10. 11. 2024 14:03)

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Маркетинговое агентство makeallperfect

(Michaelbub, 10. 11. 2024 13:24)

Полный цикл маркетинговых услуг: от настройки рекламы, SEO-продвижения, создания сайтов до управления репутацией в интернете и PR https://makeallperfect.ru/

Маркетинговое агентство makeallperfect

(Michaelbub, 10. 11. 2024 13:05)

Полный цикл маркетинговых услуг: от настройки рекламы, SEO-продвижения, создания сайтов до управления репутацией в интернете и PR https://makeallperfect.ru/

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(Michaelbub, 10. 11. 2024 12:31)

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**Unveiling the Secret for High-Quality Birkin Dupes for the Fashion Enthusiasts

(RichardIroli, 10. 11. 2024 2:31)

The luxury fashion world remains associated with uniqueness, elegance, with an touch of mystery. Within this peak within these opulent sphere stands an Hermès Birkin bag piece, a piece that has become grown into emblematic with prestige and sophistication. Though, to many of that multitude of us, acquiring one authentic Birkin persists a distant ambition due to its significant price tag and limited availability. But fear not, fashion lovers and luxury connoisseurs—high-quality Birkin imitations present themselves here to present the essence of such luxury leaving aside straining the bank.
A emergence in high-quality imitations has changed that scene of style goods, catering to those the market keen in taste luxury at an attainable cost. These dupes are meticulously produced to mimic the Birkin's sophisticated design, but remain frequently made by elements who ensure strength and chic. By picking an Birkin dupe, fashion enthusiasts are able to indulge in their love with opulence and still remaining financially savvy.
In this variety in high-quality imitations, buyers can discover a aspect that goes beyond aesthetic imitation. Emphasis in detail delivers that each and every copy reflects the spirit in luxury. Starting stitching to the metallic components also with surface treatments, those pieces are created with great attention to accuracy providing a concentration with bringing authentic opulent adventure for enthusiasts that want adore those Hermès famous aesthetic without going through financially-induced discomfort.
To most enthusiasts, the replica imitations quickly become a choice, granting individuals the choice to experience a signature design fondly identified to Hermès, minus splurging their entire amount. As fashion movements proceed to advance, the same applies to the sector of high-quality replicas, perpetually surpassing predictions in both the appearance and longevity. Ultimately, each luxury enthusiast will experience that these masterfully built pieces offer not only style but also the bond to opulence.
As style keeps on to transform, excellent replicas become popular choices for this budget-friendly option with enjoy coveted fashion pieces without sacrificing the workmanship. This flexibility empowers buyers to be able to stay stylish within tier in their cost-effective situation.

Revealing the Key for High-Quality Bag Dupes for Style Aficionados

(MichaelSmuck, 9. 11. 2024 12:46)

This luxury couture domain is linked with exclusivity, sophistication, plus a touch of that enigma. Atop such zenith of that opulent sphere stands such a Hermès Birkin accessory, such an piece who is grown into iconic of status as well as sophistication. Yet, for that majority from us, possessing one authentic bag remains that remote fantasy due to their hefty price tag as well as restricted supply. But fear no more, fashion followers and luxury devotees—superior Birkin copies are here so as to provide the taste of luxury minus straining your bank.
This rise with high-quality imitations has changed the scene in luxury accessories, attracting for the market hungry in experience luxury within more attainable range. Those dupes don't just appear carefully produced to emulate the Birkin's sophisticated appearance, and they're often produced using materials which ensure durability and fashion. Through picking this Birkin dupe, luxury lovers are able to immerse inside their devotion to sophistication while staying financially wise.
Throughout this spectrum in high-quality Birkin dupes, shoppers shall discover a element which extends beyond mere visual mimicry. Emphasis on the finer details guarantees what every copy captures the spirit that resides in luxury. Going from the finest stitches all the way to the metallic components to finishing touches, such replicas are constructed with great attention to precision providing added concentration with bringing authentic luxury journey for those that desire adore the Hermès iconic visual style without going through financially-induced burden.
For a lot of luxury aficionados, those special Birkin imitations swiftly turn into a alternative, allowing buyers the ability to relish a signature appearance fondly associated with Hermès, without spending a sum. Due to fashion styles go on in a direction to change, this occurs with the sector for high-quality dupes, perpetually surpassing expectations in both appearance plus longevity. Ultimately, every luxury enthusiast will find that such masterfully constructed items deliver not just fashion but also a connection inside sophistication.
As fashion persists in change, superior replicas become trendy alternatives to suit the budget-friendly opportunity with enjoy sought-after fashion pieces minus giving up on quality. That option empowers buyers with the ability to stay fashionable at level of economic means.

Exploring a Earth of Aesthetic Inspirations

(GeraldGar, 9. 11. 2024 11:10)

Pinterest is an expansive platform giving endless inspiration via thoroughly curated boards. Customers like Caratbeein use this visually participating web site to compile a various selection of illustrations or photos spanning inside style and design to fashion.

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В данном случае снижается количество сотрудников (в основном необходимы операторы, которые будут управлять машинами), а количество пекарей – минимальное https://www.kondhp.ru/preorder/13646

Использование восстановленного оборудования - не российское ноу-хау, а широко применяемый международный опыт https://www.kondhp.ru/products/khleborezka
Особенно полезный в случае активного роста предприятия или выхода на новые, рискованные рынки, где надо минимизировать затраты https://www.kondhp.ru/preorder/13083
Кроме того, для многих частных предпринимателей и даже для крупных заводов, приобретение качественной и недорогой восстановленной техники - это реальный способ улучшить или поддержать материальную часть своего производства без непосильных затрат https://www.kondhp.ru/products/termoupakovochnaya-mashina-tum-a-avtomaticheskaya
Покупая восстановленное оборудование, Вы получаете высокое качество, надежность и длительный срок эксплуатации техники лучших европейских производителей по самой выгодной цене https://www.kondhp.ru/pages/katalog-oborudovaniya-sobstvennogo-proizvodstva-i-izgotavlivaemogo-v-kooperatsii-s-partnerami

Двухскоростная тестомесильная машина со спиральным месильным органом, центральным отсекателем, стационарной вращающейся цилиндрической дежой из нержавеющей стали емкостью 100 литров с полуавтоматическим https://www.kondhp.ru/products/nagnetatel-nachinki-krema-i-dzhema-s-dozirovaniem-i-smeshivaniem

Производительность такого цеха соответствует производительности отсадочной машины и изменяется от 180 до 280 кг/час (в зависимости от формы и размера изделий) https://www.kondhp.ru/preorder/13511

Вновь возросло число предприятий использующих концепции со спиральными башнями https://www.kondhp.ru/products/ustanovka-dlya-narezki-izmelcheniya-ovoschei-fruktov-korneplodov-krugloi-formy-s-proizvoditelnostiu-do-1000-kg-chas
В общепринятых камерах гибкость загрузки и разгрузки является преимуществом, недостатком является тот факт, что она должна производиться вручную https://www.kondhp.ru/pages/vzbivalnaya-mashina-mkv-60
Как только объемы продуктов, проходящих холодильную камеру увеличиваются есть смысл пропускать эти продукты через морозильную камеру со спиральной башней https://www.kondhp.ru/preorder/13137
В этой области уже есть концепции с высоким уровнем рационализации для предприятий средней величины https://www.kondhp.ru/products/pnevmaticheskii-klipsator-paketov-klps-turtsiya
Некоторые производители предлагают готовые морозильные камеры в контейнерах https://www.kondhp.ru/products/mashina-dlya-udaleniya-shkury-svininy
Они не являются индивидуально спланированными, но затраты на них ниже и их можно просто и быстро установить https://www.kondhp.ru/preorder/13329
Нельзя забывать, что все спиральные холодильные системы должны быть при смене продукта заново настроены, поскольку время нахождения продукта (скорость движения транспортерной ленты) в камере зависит от необходимого времени заморозки https://www.kondhp.ru/preorder/13244

Приготовление теста производится на двух кольцевых конвейерах: опарного и тестового в дежах емкостью 140 л https://www.kondhp.ru/products/ustanovka-ochistki-ovoschei-korneplodov-ot-kozhury
Каждый конвейер оборудован автоматическими станциями для дозирования муки и жидких компонентов, а также тестомесильной машиной с механизмом для подъема и вращения дежей https://www.kondhp.ru/preorder/12574

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