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Kapacita penzionu


  • 5 pokojů
  • 2 dvoulůžkové pokoje
  • 3 třílůžkové pokoje
  • kapacita 13 míst + 2x přistýlka
  • v každém pokoji sociální zařízení (WC a sprchový kout)

  • pokoje nejsou vybaveny televizí




Cena za jednu osobu na jednu noc na všech druzích pokojů činí 450,- Kč, v ceně není zahrnuta snídaně;

Cena za jednu osobu na tři až šest nocí činí 420,- Kč;

Cena za jednu osobu od 7 nocí činí 400,- Kč;

Přistýlka: 350 Kč osoba/noc;

Děti do dvou let zdarma bez nároku na lůžko.

Při dlouhodobém pobytu možnost dalších slev dle dohody.

Storno - poplatky:
Při zrušení objednaného pobytu ze strany klienta se účtuje storno poplatek:
30-15 dní před nástupem             30 % z celkové ceny
14-8    dní před nástupem             50 % z celkové ceny
7 dní a méně                                     100 % z celkové ceny
Pokud by byl  pokoj obsazen novými hosty, nebude storno-poplatek účtován.
V případě nezaplacení zálohy, ze které by bylo možno storno poplatky odečíst, má ubytovatel právo zaslat objednavateli fakturu ve výši storno poplatků.
Ubytování se platí předem  nejpozději však v den příjezdu.
V den příjezdu je platba možná pouze v hotovosti.

 V den odjezdu je potřeba uvolnit pokoj nejpozději do 10.00. hod.


WIFI připojení k internetu v celém objektu zdarma.





Vašim dětem nabízíme:


  • dětské hřiště v obci (houpačky, kolotoč, skluzavka) viz galerie
  • pískoviště, houpačku a malou skluzavku u penzionu
  • další vyžití v okolí (např. AQUAPARK ve Kdyni)



Objednávky ubytování:

 e-mailem: penzion.loucim@seznam.cz

Telefonicky po 14.30: 728 940 423


Ubytování v našem penzionu využívají také návštěvníci:



Mogul Rallye Šumava Klatovy (duben)



Mezinárodního folklórního festivalu a klatovské pouti (červenec)


Folklorního festivalu Chodské slavnosti - Vavřinecká pouť Domažlice (srpen)





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MOSFET datasheet PDF for high-efficiency switching solutions.

(DatasheetMa, 21. 12. 2024 6:27)

Greetings all!
The FM component datasheet outlines specifications for FM series components used in various digital and power designs. The FM-1 datasheet download helps you evaluate FM-1 components for analog signal processing. For circuit protection and power management, the FMB series datasheet provides crucial data on FMB components. The FP datasheet PDF offers insights into FP components, used in low-power electronics. The FQA datasheet download is essential for selecting FQA components used in high-performance amplification and switching systems.
The site with millions datasheet - https://getdatasheet.com/datasheets/new/2024/11/24.html
M27 datasheet PDF
AD-7 series datasheet
Driver IC datasheet
LM3 datasheet download

Good luck!

Пакеты Со Скотч Клапаном

(Raymondbow, 21. 12. 2024 6:15)

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Как профессионал с многолетним стажем в области производства упаковки, компания заслужила доверие потребителей безупречным качеством товаров https://abakpak.ru/catalog/tovary-dlya-marketpleysov/gofroyashchik-37kh27kh20-t-23v/

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31); бесплатная разработка кроя и корректировка макета; при необходимости предоставляются услуги дизайнера, предусмотрена доставка; печать и отделка на А2 формате, низкие цены на различные тиражи; все методы оформления и отделки для упаковки в одном месте: офсетная и УФ, трафаретная печать, тиснение фольгой, различные виды лакирования, конгревное и блинтовое тиснение, высечка, подклейка окошек и склейка; применение технологии Микроблинт для отделки упаковки https://abakpak.ru/catalog/49-prozrachnaya-klejkaya-lenta/427-klejkaya-lenta-19x30-40-kancelyaskaya-480-sht-1-up-prozrachnaya/

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(RichardClorm, 21. 12. 2024 6:09)

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(BillieTiz, 21. 12. 2024 5:44)

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Тм-2 Толщиномер Покрытий

(StevenSmart, 21. 12. 2024 5:20)

Работает по: черным металламРабочая температура: -40°С до +50°СМакс https://www.ndt-club.com/product-774-v7-317-vibrometr-portativnii-karandashnogo-tipa.htm
измерение: 2000 микронШаг измерений: 20 микронПодсветка экрана: НетДоп https://www.ndt-club.com/product-796-pos-60mg4-izmeriteli-prochnosti-betona.htm
функции: нетПроизводство: ПольшаГарантия: 1 год

Портативный ультразвуковой толщиномер TT130 используется для измерения толщины как металлических, так и неметаллических объектов https://www.ndt-club.com/proizvoditeli-17-sintez-npf.htm
Прибор комплектуется двумя стандартными преобразователями с частотой 5 МГц https://www.ndt-club.com/product-607-potok-yf365-ctacionarnii-istochnik-yltrafioletovogo-sveta.htm
Толщиномер прост и удобен в использовании, оборудован четким 4-полосным ЖК экраном и памятью на 10 измерений https://www.ndt-club.com/product-914-jprobe-ux-pro-videoendoskop.htm
Также имеется 5 предустановленных скоростей ультразвука для типовых измерений https://www.ndt-club.com/otzyvy.htm

Толщиномер может измерять толщину труб и изделий, изготовленных из материалов, указанных внизу в таблице https://www.ndt-club.com/product-556-metolab-604-stacionarnii-tverdomer-po-brinellu.htm
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Cross-Channel Campaign Management: Strategies, Best Practices, and even Expert Tips

(Moisesgam, 21. 12. 2024 5:02)

In today’s digital landscape, cross-channel campaign management will be essential for offering cohesive, personalized experiences. This strategy requires integrating multiple marketing channels such while email, social mass media, and paid adverts into an specific approach that when calculated resonates with diverse audiences. The key to be able to success lies within harmonizing messaging, timing, and targeting around platforms to make a seamless client journey.

Best practices include leveraging data-driven insights to recognize consumer behavior, segmenting audiences effectively, in addition to ensuring consistent marketing. Automation tools can streamline this technique, supporting marketers scale initiatives while maintaining personalization.


Expert tips focus on continuous optimization by means of A/B testing, analyzing performance metrics, remaining adaptable to appearing trends. By adopting these strategies, companies can drive engagement, boost conversions, and create long-lasting relationships along with customers.

Find the best components in the 74ACT datasheet PDF for logic gates.

(DatasheetMa, 21. 12. 2024 4:38)

Greetings all!
The CX datasheet PDF provides the necessary data for understanding the specifications of CX components, commonly used in high-frequency circuits. The CX-1 datasheet download offers essential details for selecting CX-1 components for signal processing and amplification. When working with CXA component datasheet, you gain insights into CXA components used in analog signal conversion. The DAC datasheet PDF provides specifications for DAC components, crucial for converting digital signals to analog form. For reliable performance in digital systems, the DBF series datasheet offers detailed data on DBF components used in switching and logic circuits.
The site with millions datasheet - https://getdatasheet.com/datasheets/new/2024/6/26.html
Datasheet PDF
IRF datasheet PDF
74ACTQ datasheet download
Capacitor datasheet

Good luck!

Pro Reveal: How in order to Do Project Tracking Effectively

(EdwardLit, 21. 12. 2024 2:42)

Effective project supervising is essential for ensuring the achievements of any initiative. Experts agree that setting clear, considerable goals from typically the outset is essential. These objectives ought to align with the project’s overall eye-sight, providing a roadmap for tracking advancement.

Continuous communication in addition to regular check-ins are usually fundamental to successful monitoring. Utilizing timely data and task management tools allows identify issues earlier, enabling proactive alternatives. Stakeholder engagement is equally vital, guaranteeing everyone remains educated and aligned.


In addition, flexibility is crucial. Projects often develop, and the ability to be able to adjust timelines, budgets, and resources inside response to unforeseen challenges ensures better execution. By maintaining these guidelines, task monitoring can drastically enhance outcomes.

Changing Memories into Skill: The CollagemasterCo Experience

(Leroyrit, 21. 12. 2024 0:22)

At CollagemasterCo, we concentrate on creating bespoke picture collages that convert cherished memories straight into stunning, personalized art work. Our expert crew takes great care in crafting special pieces that get the essence of your most cherished moments.

Whether it's a wedding, loved ones gathering, or some sort of memorable vacation, all of us use your photos in order to create timeless words and phrases of love and life. Each university is meticulously designed to reflect the center and soul involving your experiences.


Along with a focus in quality and attention to detail, CollagemasterCo is the top destination for these seeking a meaningful and artistic approach to preserve their memories. Let us convert your photos straight into a masterpiece.

Conserve Your Memories along with Custom Photo Collages from CollagemasterCo

(Coreybiosy, 20. 12. 2024 22:00)

At CollagemasterCo, we specialize throughout transforming your valued memories into gorgeous, custom photo influences that stand the test of moment. Our expertise allows us to craft personalized pieces regarding art that record life's most important moments with precision in addition to care. Whether it's a family special event, a wedding, or even a personal motorola milestone phone, we turn your photos in to a gorgeous visual narrative.

Our seamless online platform ensures that generating your custom collage is both trouble-free and enjoyable. With just a several clicks, you could post your photos, select your design, and let our skilled team take caution of the others. Every detail is thoroughly handled to ensure a flawless finish product.


At CollagemasterCo, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional good quality and craftsmanship. All of us understand that protecting memories is a great important, sentimental procedure, and we make an effort to create artwork that reflects the significance of your current experiences. Let people help you commemorate your most precious moments with the professionalism and knowledge that CollagemasterCo is known for.

Personalised Photo Collage: The ideal Gift for Any kind of Occasion – Acquire 10% Off Right now!

(ThomasFaifS, 20. 12. 2024 19:35)

Looking for the unique and careful gift? A individualized photo collage can make an unforgettable house warming, birthday, or couple's gift. Combining cherished memories into some sort of beautiful piece of wall art, this specific gift adds some sort of personal touch to any home. It’s not just about photographs – it’s about capturing moments that talk volumes.

For athletics enthusiasts, a personalized collage can show off favorite team occasions or memorable video games, creating an one-of-a-kind tribute. Whether to your partner, friend, or family member, a photo collage is usually an ideal way to celebrate virtually any occasion.


Shop right now and enjoy some sort of special 10% lower price on these genuine gifts. Choose your liked ones feel really special with a new custom creation they'll cherish forever!

A great Slam of Careful Tennis Gift Ideas

(Davidglymn, 20. 12. 2024 17:10)

Finding the perfect tennis games gift requires the understanding from the player’s needs and article topics. For enthusiasts, a new high-quality tennis racket, customized with their desired grip or line tension, can increase their game. Otherwise, premium tennis balls or a durable bag with spaces for gear offer you both practicality and style.

For the more sentimental, personalized equipment such as personalized water bottles or monogrammed towels display a personal touch. Apparel, like moisture-wicking shirts or stylish tennis shoes, ensures convenience around the court when maintaining a fashionable edge.


Lastly, consider technology-driven options such as a physical fitness tracker or swing action analyzer. These presents merge innovation using performance, which is why they are concidered best for the gamer wanting to enhance their skills.

Immortalize Your Memories along with Custom Photo Collages from CollagemasterCo

(Richardmom, 20. 12. 2024 14:43)

CollagemasterCo provides an unique, transformative expertise for those seeking to preserve their most cherished memories. Specializing in custom made photo collages, many of us bring your individual moments to lifestyle through thoughtfully curated designs that reflect the essence of your respective experiences.

Our seamless online platform makes the process simple and convenient, allowing an individual to easily upload photos and make a visual masterpiece. Whether it's a marriage, a family re-union, or a motorola milestone phone birthday, each collection is meticulously constructed with attention to detail and artistry.


At CollagemasterCo, put into effect pride in our commitment to quality. Just about every collage is a testament to craftsmanship, ensuring your own memories are immortalized with sophistication and elegance. Celebrate life’s nearly all precious moments using a personalized work associated with art that will continue for years in order to come.

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(NathanEdula, 20. 12. 2024 13:31)

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Top rated Trends in Personal Cheerleading Gifts: What's Hot Right Now

(Shawnmem, 20. 12. 2024 12:34)

Personalized cheerleading gifts happen to be increasingly popular, supplying a special way to celebrate athletes in addition to their achievements. One of the hottest trends right this moment is custom gear, many of these as monogrammed pom-poms, personalized uniforms, in addition to custom cheer luggage. These items certainly not only showcase personality but also help to make game-day experiences think more special.

Another rising trend is personalized jewelry. Custom necklaces, bracelets, plus earrings featuring group colors, logos, or even initials provide some sort of stylish, sentimental method to honor both team spirit and even personal milestones. These types of thoughtful gifts give a touch of beauty to everyday put on, blending function together with fashion.


Finally, custom-themed décor is increasing traction. Personalized walls art, banners, and even plaques featuring team slogans or cheerleader names create a great inspiring atmosphere in practice spaces or residence gyms. These gifts serve as regular reminders of dedication, motivation, and crew pride.

Advancing Hardware, Yet Struggles on Screen Quality

(Eugenenax, 20. 12. 2024 10:12)

In recent years, technological advances have led to impressive enhancements in hardware design. New screens boast higher resolutions, quicker refresh rates, and even enhanced color precision, promising an stunning experience. However, in spite of these advancements, some users remain not impressed with the overall quality of these displays.

While characteristics like OLED, HDR, and 120Hz refresh rates contribute to superior visual efficiency, the actual browsing experience can occasionally flunk. Issues many of these as inconsistent lighting, poor viewing aspects, or subpar color reproduction still continue to persist, leaving users asking yourself the true associated with these technological updates.


In conclusion, whilst the evolution involving display technology is undeniable, it’s clear that manufacturers should focus more on improving the fundamentals. An ideal balance between creativity and quality is necessary for truly pleasing user experiences.

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Вторая часть

Съемка Корпоративов Стоимость

(Robertadunk, 20. 12. 2024 9:24)

10 https://titan-cinema.ru/

Креативное агентство и продакшн Agentura разрабатывает сценарии и производит рекламные ролики, корпоративные и HR-фильмы, создаёт 3D графику и анимацию, разрабатывает бренд-маскотов и другой имиджевый контент https://titan-cinema.ru/

Телефон: +7 495 540-87-82 https://titan-cinema.ru/

Ball-Park, Москва https://titan-cinema.ru/

ART3D Москва https://titan-cinema.ru/

Ruport Краснодар https://titan-cinema.ru/

Личный Финансовые План

(JohnnieKaM, 20. 12. 2024 9:10)

1С:ERP — модуль Бюджетирование; Инталев https://tevconsulting.finance/business
Управление финансами; BusinessBuilder PlanDesigner Контур Корпорация https://tevconsulting.finance/confi
Бюджет; КИС: Бюджетирование; Hyperion Pillar; OracleFinancialAnalyzer; Prophix и другие https://tevconsulting.finance/business

Переменные зависят от числа покупателей или объема произведенной продукции https://tevconsulting.finance/coaching
В нашем примере это платежи поставщикам, которые зависят от количества оплат, расходы на рекламу, которые увеличиваются пропорционально числу посетителей сайта, и фонд оплаты труда https://tevconsulting.finance/yslugi-ip
К постоянным расходам относится аренда офиса и прочие расходы — их величина неизменна в течение всего периода прогнозирования https://tevconsulting.finance/dfa

Перечень переменных расходов для каждого вида деятельности свой https://tevconsulting.finance/yslugi-ip
Например, при производстве текстильных изделий это:
план продаж; прогноз по выручке; прогноз по среднему чеку; прогноз изменения цен на бестселлеры https://tevconsulting.finance/dfa

Выработать чёткую структуру, где указать все входные данные, расчёты и выводы https://tevconsulting.finance/dfa
Например, в таблице для этого можно использовать разные листы, комментарии и выделять информацию цветом https://tevconsulting.finance/vizitka
В каждом блоке делать отдельные разделы и даже подразделы по входным данным и расчётам https://tevconsulting.finance/
Для наглядности использовать для всех формул отдельные строки, чтобы блок с расчётом разных показателей был читаемым и наглядным https://tevconsulting.finance/anketa-business
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Не пренебрегать функцией форматирования ячеек, чтобы информация в них была идентична по написанию https://tevconsulting.finance/business
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Визуально разделять блоки между собой с помощью заголовков https://tevconsulting.finance/
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Обследование Трансформаторов Тока

(Richardrerry, 20. 12. 2024 9:04)

Производится путем установки приборов на проверяемом объекте https://t-zamer.ru/uslugi/peredvizhnaya-elektrolaboratoriya/
Анализатор записывает во внутреннюю память все всплески и провалы напряжения, синусоидальные отклонения, потребляемую мощность, изменение частоты, отключение электроэнергии, несимметричность напряжения https://t-zamer.ru/uslugi/vysokovoltnye-ispytaniya/

Определен порядок и периодичность:
Для определения состояния повторных заземлителей и системы защитного заземления электроустановки в целом ПТЭЭП устанавливается периодичность регулярных проверок, в ходе которых исследованиям подвергаются не только контуры заземления, но и вся система, вплоть до электрического подключения к заземляемому корпусу электроустановки https://t-zamer.ru/uslugi/molniezashchita/

Для чего и как электролаборатории проводят проверку автоматических выключателей?
Зачем проводить высоковольтные испытания электрооборудования?

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